TV channels for VAST
One of the frequently asked questions about VAST TV reception is "What channels do you get on VAST?" Our simple response is "all the TV channels that you get from home". Basically, you get all the ABC and SBS channels from every state as well as one set of commercial channels - 7, 9 and 10.
Depending on which state you have registered your travelling with VAST, you will get one set from Brisbane (North), Melbourne (South) or Perth (West). Of course, the only way you will know which set you are receiving is when you view the national news. If you have registered in Northern Territory or Queensland, you will receive the Northern set; in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania or South Australia, you will receive the Southern set; and, of course, in Western Australia, you will receive the Western set.

But the advertisements will come from Alice Springs/ Cunnamulla/Katherine/Mount Isa, etc,because the advertiers are targeting the people who live in the remote areas. We, travellers, just have to put up with the ads. But isn't that when you get up to have a cuppa - hahaha!